Benefits of Rehab Therapy

For most people, physical therapy is a medical “must” after injury or surgery. Not only does it help ease your pain, but it also speeds your recovery and gets you back to a more functional life.

And that’s exactly what physical rehabilitation therapy does for your dog or cat.

At Scout’s House, we can help return your pet to a healthier, more functional life after injury, illness, or surgery. Studies have shown that pets who undergo rehabilitation therapy after certain surgeries, such as a TPLO or disk surgery, actually recover more quickly and more completely than those who do not.

And for elderly pets, rehab therapy can help recover lost strength and mobility, making it easier for them to walk, get up on beds or into cars, or just be more comfortable when lying on the sofa.

Physical rehab therapy for dogs and cats can:

    • Improve circulation, which accelerates healing
    • Increase muscle mass and strength to improve balance and coordination
    • Improve flexibility and mobility, which increases your pet’s functionality
    • Minimize or even eliminate pain, improving your pet’s quality of life